You can learn more about AISLive in the following languages: Chinese and Korean.
- 業務効率向上:船舶のグローバルな動静情報を把握(航路、速度、到達時刻、遠洋アクティビティ)
- ドメイン認識の強化: 海域内を通過する全船舶を追跡
- 船舶の動静情報や商品貿易の傾向を把握: 競合他社ポジションを理解して、取引ポジションを作成し、ビジネス機会を特定
- リスク軽減: 海域でセキュリティリスクを呈する可能性のある船舶を識別して監視し、アラートを設定
- Efficiency – Collaborate closely with auction sponsors, regulators, clearers and participants to deliver robust auction infrastructure and operations processes
- Expertise – Use our services to train your auction participants and other interested parties for easy adoption
- Transparency – Achieve fully auditable auction proceedings and results with the process, methodology, results and documentation, as defined by auction sponsors, available to all participants
- Flexibility – Available across multiple auction parameters and asset classes
- Reliability – Administer your auctions in a proven, time-tested and highly secure environment